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Memorial Day Flag Placement

This Memorial Day weekend Cub Scout Pack 461 joined the Boy Scouts of America West Los Angeles County Council in placing flags at Veterans Memorial Cemetery. The event kicked off with a variety of speakers including Veterans, Eagle Scouts, and Blake Nettleton (Emerald Bay senior leader). Pack 461's flag was posted with all the other units for a grand picture. Can you find the 461 flag, pic below!

Our Cubs then ventured to their assigned plot and posted flags at each headstone. After posting the flag in the soil the scout would then read the Hero's name, thank them for their service, and observe a moment of silence. The Cubs also chose to remove debris and clean the headstones.

One question I heard from Scouts was about all the different wars that were written on the headstones. They were interested to know more about them and what happened. At times there were paired headstones of men with the same last name and it was a solemn lesson listening and watching as Cubs deduced that these two brothers had fought and made the ultimate sacrifice in the same war.

Thank you to all the Cubs and families that came out! Please take a moment to share the videos and pics with your Cubs!



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